Birchwood Airport (BCV/PABV) is a public use State of Alaska Department of Transportation owned airport with diverse aviation activities. Primarily a General Aviation airport with single and twin-engine aircraft, gliders, Ultralights, helicopter, and experimental aircraft.

Birchwood airport is located on the east shore of the Knik Arm at 83 ft. AGL has two runways facing in north-south one is 4,000 feet of asphalt, the other has 600 feet for (Ultralight use) of asphalt that joins a 1200 Ft. gravel landing strip parallel to the main runway with crossovers at each end and at mid-field.

There are 320 aircraft based on the field with fuel and several aviation related businesses on site. BCV has an AWOS which can be accessed by phone 907-688-0826 or 135.55 Mhz.

The Birchwood Airport Association was formed in the early 2000s to promote safety and to allow all the different aviation users to address concerns that were arriving about simultaneous operations and a lack of radio communication between user types.

The Association typically has two meetings one in the Spring and another in the Fall after hunting season. These are held at or near the Pilot Briefing building or the CAP Hangar. Members are not required to be pilots or aircraft owners. Anyone interested in aviation are welcome to join.

Currently there are less than 50 paying members down from as many as 150 in past years. This is in part due to pilots and aircraft moving from Alaska, and age timing out. Dues at first were $5 for a year membership and later raised to $10. Monies from these donations paid for the food and beverages at the Yearly picnic and or Fall meeting. Recently the Pilot Briefing building has been closed due to a sewage issue from the bathroom that required carpet cleaning and new carpet.

A previous decision was made to drop charging for the membership, although elections for board positions continued. Members of the current BOD re-instated the yearly dues at $20 and are soliciting for more memberships.

Board positions of president, vice-president, secretary, and treasure are elected every 3-years. Anyone interested in a board position must be a member, and volunteer when needed for meetings etc.

As a State of Alaska non-profit, the association is operating on donations from a drop box in the Pilot Briefing building and from membership dues. Expenses such as a banner on the Northeast fence and membership stickers were also paid from the dues and donations.

Currently the association a has
developed a new website

and has an Email:

The benefit to each member is providing information to members via Facebook, Email and meetings about the airport and its user groups as such the BOD members attend AKDOT meetings and address issues by membership users and the community.

There is currently an urgent need for information about how many hangars and what types of hangars (T, Box, Square) as the DOT information is dated. This information will be helpful for planning and upcoming decisions to develop a viable 20-year Masterplan.